PERİ DIY DIY is a blg web site that have DIY videos
For making Amigurumi dolls, diamond blue thread, summer rose cream thread, coffee thread, fiber and suitable crochet are required. In addition, the person needs time and the desire to knit. Because it is a job that takes a lot of time, and a person who does not want to knit may never be able to finish this job.
This doll is an 18 cm doll and different dolls can be produced by other methods. The head must be tightly knit. 3 chains, 6 frequent needles, 12 frequent needles, 24 frequent needles, 36 frequent needles, 36 frequent needles and 7 more rows of 36 frequent needles are knitted. Hair can be made 3-4 rows by passing into each loop. When finished, the face part is knitted. As the reduction continues, fiber must be put into it. The baby's head should be firm and firm.
For the arms, 3 chains, 4 frequent needles, 8 frequent needles and 10 more rows of 8 frequent needles are knitted and the rope is the color of the dress. 8 single needles are knitted twice and the sleeves are sewn. The baby is resumed. Again, 22 frequent needles are knitted twice. Afterwards, loop separation is made for skirt and leg combination. 15 sc, inward curling and closing the lower part of the skirt are done.
It goes to the leg. The same method is applied with the arms. However, by applying 1 or 2 more loops, the legs can be made to appear thicker. 3 chains, 4 frequent needles and 3 times 8 frequent needles are made. Then, 17 rows of 8 more frequent needles are made with cream color. It is filled with fiber and sewn. Knit the outer part of the loop from the back of the baby and knit in a way to make 2 frequent needles in each hole. In the next rows, it is continued with 1 single needle in each hole without increasing. After knitting 7-8 rows, the doll is complete.